Regulation - effectiveness in netflix era + who should regulate for children.

Film regulation is not effective in the Netflix era as the internet has no governing body of regulation. Due to the fact there is no classification, there is the possibility that content that is classified by the television or film industry may be easier to access by younger people. The access to the internet has created a way for multiple people to create content which can be accessed at all times. One way that this can impact the populace is by creating a desensitized society. this could create a lower outrage on violent crimes seen as the norm. On the other hand However, some larger organizations are using the classifications set by the bbfc – (such as Netflix) this shows a persuasion on the internet that is largely safer than YouTubes algorithms. This may be for industry gain and not for the families as parents are more likely to subscribe to something they believe is safer for their children. Desensitization theory states that people that are desensitized are less likely to have emotional impact from what they see on screen if this impacts real life the issue is that there will be little to no reaction as the viewer may become on aware of the consequences. Society should not be in charge of what the appropriate levels of sex and violence is. this is due to the fact that there would be many opposing views to each set of content – while this may be the representative it would still not include children in the decision and is therefore guess work – children are already shown violence in cartoons where there is no shown risk however some violent films ay educate children to what the consequences are. Educated elites are also at fault as there view may be different from those that are of a lower income or uneducated background. As for the individual this depends on the parents views, the 12a film classification allows certain exposure to films that they may not be ready for however this persistent exposure from a younger age may change the effect films have on them. Cultivation theory states that this can warp a persons perception of the world. This example is a strength of the idea as people believe that children are likely to mix reality and fantasy. However, the fact that we have tv regulation and parent regulation can lead to less exposure to children.


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